How To #6

How To Install The Budgie 10.4 Desktop on Ubuntu 16.4, 17.4, 17.10

         The latest version of Budgie is 10.4 and it is considered a major release on our 10.x series, with significant improvements to applets, panels, and personalization of Budgie.

         Budgie is Solus Projects's Homegrown environment and official Ubuntu flavour. If you want to try Gnome 3 based desktop environment, here is how to install Budgie Desktop in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 16.10.
         Budgie desktop is a GTK+ based desktop environment that “focuses on simplicity and elegance”. It’s the default desktop used in the Solus OS and they appear to oversee its development.

It’s far more than say “just another shell”
         The Budgie desktop experience features some novel and innovative elements like including the Raven sidebar which looks a little bit like the Mac Notification centre and very much more useful than that, and there’s an incredibly straight-forward app launcher called Budgie Menu.

Before telling you how to install it, let's check some of its features.

  • New and improved Alt-Tab keyboard app switcher, prefers the theme icon instead of X11 icon.
  • Enabling you to go backwards in the Alt+Tab dialogue, Shift+Alt+Tab support has also been implemented.
  • Time of Minimizing and maximizing an application, it uses animation.
  • In this release, a new applet introduced, Night Light, which can help to reduce eye strain.
  • Places Indicator and  Workspace applet both have seen multiple improvements in this release.

To know more visit Budgie's Official Website.

Now let's move to Installation Budgie Desktop 10.4 on Ubuntu

Installation is very hassle-free on the diffrent version of ubuntu, follow the below steps and run command one by one.

If you use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS you need to run

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:budgie-remix/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt install budgie-desktop

If you use Ubuntu 17.04 you need to run

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntubudgie/backports
sudo apt update && sudo apt install budgie-desktop

If you use Ubuntu 17.10 you need to run

sudo apt install budgie-desktop

If you want to use the little extras, like the Budgie weather applet, screenshot applet and indicator applet (perfect for apps like Dropbox and Skype) you will need to install them separately.

sudo apt install budgie-screenshot-applet budgie-haste-applet budgie-weather-applet budgie-indicator-applet


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