#1.1 | HTML Overview
Today one of the most widely used language on the web to develop web pages is HTML, stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
- HTML created by Tim Berners-Lee in late 1990.
- In 1992, Dan Connolly wrote the HTML document type and a brief HTML specification.
- In 1994, HTML 2.0 was the first standard HTML version published.
- In 1999, the major version HTML 4.01 was published.
- And currently, we are using HTML -5, which is the latest version.
In one sentence we can say, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. Hypertext refers how you can link web pages together.
Is it not about coding? Markup language? what is markup language?
A markup language is a language that annotates text so that the computer can manipulate that text using a tag which tells the web browser how to structure it to display...
Structure of HTML Pages
Structure of HTML Pages
To understand the structure and elements,
let's take a code from the last page.
There are several different elements.
Each element has an opening tag and a closing tag.
A Simple HTML Example Code:
<title> This is the Document Title </title>
<h1> This is the Main Heading of this Example </h1>
<p> Introduction paragraph for rest pages.
Depend on the content size it might be divided into several subs heading and paragraph <p>
Tags acts like a container,
Each tag tells you something about the
information that’s lies between their
opening and closing tags.
The opening <html> tag specifies the document as and HTML document
The <head>element contains meta information about the document
The <title> and </title> specifies a title for the document
The Closing </head> tag indicates that end of your meta information.
The <body> tag indicates anything written within this is displayed in the main browser windows.
This is the largest part of the HTML Document. The <body> tag encloses all the tags, attributes, and information to be displayed on the webpage.
The closing </body> tag indicates the end of your content.
The closing </html> tag indicates that you have done with coding.
As HTML is a markup language, various tags are used to format the content. These tags are enclosed within angle braces, i.e. <html>. Except for few tags, all other tags have their corresponding closing tags with a front slash like <html> has its closing tag </html> etc.
Let's take a close look
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