Router and Switch Connections: Port, Interface | CCNA

          Cisco router and switches support two type of external connections, one is Port and second is Interface. The physical port is used for management purposes while managing management task with Cisco products it does not affect traffic that is flowing through your Cisco products, this is called the out-of-band method. Every Cisco Router and switches have a console port, a.k.a con port; and some have an auxiliary port, a.k.a aux port.
          An interface is connected to the backplane of the router or switch and also can be used for management purpose, but this time it might affect the traffic. This type of connection called In-band connection.

Console port:

          This port is used to access CLI to manage your Cisco device locally using out-of-band method. Once you have done with the basic configuration like assigning IP address on your Cisco device so that you can connect via one of it interface to manage the device in-band by using telnet, web browser, SNMP or Cisco works and Cisco managed services solution.
         Suppose, your Cisco device has an RJ-45 console port, in this case, you require two components to manage your Cisco device from your PC.

  • RJ-45 rollover cable – This cable looks similar to every other STP/UTP cable but is proprietary to Cisco, used for console connection and will not work for any other types of connection, such as ethernet connection.

Note: the rollover cable has eight wires inside the plastic shielding and two RJ-45 connectors at each end. Each side of this cable reverses the pins compared to another side. Pin 1 on one side is mapped to pin 8 on the other side, similarly, pin 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 from one side mapped with pin 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 on the other side.

  • RJ-45 to DB-9 or RJ-45 to DB-25 terminal adaptor - Depends on the number of pins that COM port has on PC which is plugged into the console port of the router. 

          Once you have connected, you need a terminal emulation package like Hyper Terminal, PuTTY or Tera Term to access. Now within terminal emulation software, you need to set up the parameters shown below.

After configured you should be able to press enter key to gain access to CLI.
